Dallas Locksmith

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(214) 856-7003
Dallas Locksmith

Dallas Locksmith

Dallas Transponder Keys Locksmith Services

Here at Dallas Locksmith we know everything about transponder keys. We’ll fix, program, and duplicate them professionally, determining the right locksmith solution in your particular situation.

Transponder keys, also referred to as "transponder chips," are ignition keys for your car that send out a radio signal. Essentially, when you use a chip key to start your vehicle, the key emits a radio signal to your automobile’s computer, and that tells the car to start.

If you have used transponder keys before, then you already know that they make getting in and out of your vehicle easier. You can open car doors without putting the key in the lock mechanism, you can remotely open the trunk, activate and deactivate the car alarm, and some even remotely start the car.

Why else are transponder keys better than conventional keys? Because these "chip" keys are hard to duplicate. They are difficult to duplicate because every transponder key has a unique code, which matches that car’s built-in computer. Therefore, even when someone tries to duplicate a chip, the code does not match the car, so it is useless.

The experienced automotive locksmith professionals of Dallas Locksmith offer our customers the best product advice in transponder chips and keys, and certainly the finest overall locksmith services in Dallas, Texas. With our affordable prices, we are your best value.

We are glad to say, every day, here at Dallas Locksmith, outstanding customer service is key!

CALL NOW! (214) 856-7003

You’re welcome to take advantage of our 24-hour automotive emergency assistance. We will arrive immediately!

Dallas Locksmith’s automotive locksmith technicians come to you wherever your car is, to complete the work needed. That means you won’t ever have to tow your car. And, we service all automobile makes and models.

Call anytime and ask us for a FREE consultation! (214) 856-7003

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